Picoway Resolve Cosmetic Laser

Age Spots, Melasma, Acne Scars, Rough skin texture

Informed Consent and

Before and After Care Instructions

Spa 35 Med Spa


403 S. 11th Street

Suite 135

Boise, ID 83702


Congratulations on scheduling your cosmetic procedure at Spa 35 Medical Spa.

Use the Information below to learn how to prepare for your treatment and how to maximize your experience after your procedure.  

The informed consent form for each procedure also provides important information. Please be sure to read it before signing. Ask a Spa 35 team member to answer your questions before scheduling your procedure.

Call Spa 35 with any questions or concerns regarding your treatment at 208-367-0700. After business hours select option 4 for urgent after-hours assistance. If you have an emergency call 911.

Picoway Resolve - Treatment Purpose

Picoway Resolve is a cosmetic laser treatment that removes discolored skin and stimulates collagen production. Removing age spots and other signs of photo-aging provide a more youthful appearance. Stimulating collagen tightens skin and improves rough skin texture.
Picoway Resolve is also an effective treatment for melasma (aka pregnancy mask) and acne scars.
The PicoWay Resolve procedure can be adjusted to match your amount of available downtime. It can be a “lunchtime” procedure that allows you to go back to daily activities immediately after your procedure. And it can also be utilized in a manner that creates 2-4 days of recovery time to maximize results.
Picoway Resolve treatments create the maximum results in a series of three treatments, spaced in four weeks intervals.

Picoway REsolve - Consent for Treatment

Informed consent documents are used to communicate information about the proposed cosmetic treatment along with disclosure of risks and alternative forms of treatment(s). Despite C02RE Fractional Resurfacing high level of efficacy and safety, it is not free of side effects. As a patient you have the right to be informed about your treatment so that you may make the decision whether to proceed with the C02RE treatment or decline after knowing the risks involved. This disclosure is to inform you about the risks, side effects and possible complications related to the C02RE prior to your treatment. This disclosure should not be considered all-inclusive in defining other methods of care and risks encountered. Spa 35 may provide you with additional or different information which is based on all the facts in your particular case and the state of medical knowledge.

Picoway REsolve - Risks

There are both risks, and complications associated with this procedure for the skin. Although the majority of patients do not experience these complications, you should understand the risks and potential complications of laser skin treatment.
Potential risks and experiences include, but are not limited to:
Discomfort- There is a possibility of pain and discomfort with the PicoWay Resolve. The level of pain and discomfort varies with a person’s tolerance.
Redness and swelling- Short term redness (erythema) and swelling (edema) of the treated area is common. It typically resolves in a timeframe between a few hours and 48 hours.
Purpura/bruising- Purpura (bruising) is a transient phenomenon that usually resolves with time.
Wound Healing- Treatment can result in burning, blistering, or bleeding of the treated areas resulting in a wound. If this occurs, please contact our office.
Viral Outbreaks-Herpes simplex virus outbreaks can be triggered around the mouth and vulva by an Picoway Resolve treatment. This applies to both individuals with a past history of herpes simplex virus outbreaks and to those without previous outbreaks. If you have a history of herpes simplex virus in the treated area, we recommend preventative therapy with an oral anti-viral medication.
Infection- Although infection following the PicoWay Resolve treatment is unusual, bacterial, fungal, and viral infections can occur with scabbing or other disruption of the skin barrier function. Should any type of skin infection occur, additional treatment including antibiotics might be necessary.
Eye Damage- Eye damage can occur from the PicoWay Resolve energy. Protective eyewear must be worn during the treatment.
Burned skin- The light energy from a Picoway Resolve treatment can burn your skin, in some cases severely. It is important to tell your provider about recent sun exposure and to report any use of light sensitizing drugs (such as Accutane) with an accurate medical history form. Dark skin has a greater probability of burning than lighter skin. Self-tanning lotions dramatically increase the risk of burns as does recent sun exposue.
Photosensitizing medication complications- Some over the counter and prescription medications can increase the risk of burning. We are unable to treat clients that are on ACCUTANE, and PHOTOSENSITIZING medications.
Hyper-pigmentation (browning) and Hypo-pigmentation (whitening)- Both have been noted after treatment, especially in people with a darker complexion. This usually resolves within weeks but can take as long as 3-6 months. Permanent color change is a rare potential risk. If you have dark skin a skin lightening cream may be advised to reduce the melanin in your skin before the treatment. Avoiding sun exposure after the treatment reduces the risk of color change.
Bleeding- Pinpoint bleeding is rare but can occur following brown spot and spider vein treatment procedures. Should bleeding occur, additional treatment might be necessary.
Skin tissue pathology- Energy directed the skin may potentially vaporize diseased lesions making laboratory examination of a tissue specimen impossible. If you have discolored skin that is potentially cancerous you should have it examined by a dermatologist or other medical provider before your PicoWay Resolve treatment.
Allergic reactions- In rare cases, local allergies to tape, preservatives used in cosmetics or topical preparations, have been reported. Systemic reactions (which are more serious) may result from prescription medicines. Your skin may be numbed using an analgesic agent(s). Analgesics typically include but are not limited to benzocaine, lidocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine. There is the possibility of complications, injury, and even death from all forms of analgesics. Allergic reactions may require additional treatment.
Pacemaker or internal defibrillator damage- It is possible for a PicoWay Resolve treatment to interfere with functioning of a pacemaker or internal defibrillator.

Picoway Resolve - Pre Treatment Instructions

It is prudent to follow some simple guidelines before your treatment. These guidelines can reduce possible side effects associated with the procedure and make all the difference between a fair result and a great result.
Sun exposure- Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least four weeks prior to your treatment. Your appointment will be rescheduled if needed.
Hydrate - Drink at least eight glasses of water per day to completely hydrate your skin.
Self-Tanner- Stop self-tanner for four weeks prior to treatment.
Skin Care- Stop exfoliating skin care products, such as retinols and glycolic acid, for one week before your treatment.
Over the Counter Medications- Avoid aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen and sun sensitizing medications for one week prior to your treatment. Inform your provider if you are taking blood thinners or regularly take aspirin or Ibuprofen.
Prescription Medications – Review prescription medications with your provider for potential sun sensitizing effects.
Accutane- Inform your provider if you have taken Accutane (oral acne medication) in the past year.
Supplements- Avoid fish oil, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other supplements one week before treatment.
Alcohol- Avoid alcohol for two days prior to treatment.
Ice Packs- Store ice packs in your freezer for use after you get home from procedure.
Special Events- Schedule your treatment at least three weeks prior to a special event i.e., wedding, vacation, speaking engagement, to allow time for the healing process.
Photographs- Take at home photos to monitor your skin improvement.

Picoway Resolve - Treatment Day Instructions

Make-up- Please arrive for your appointment without make-up.
Clothing- Wear comfortable clothing with an open collar.

PicoWay Resolve - Post Treatment Instruction

You may be red, irritated, swollen and splotchy after your treatment. Discolored skin may get darker before it is exfoliated.
Darker brown spots- Brown spots and freckles may appear darker while healing from your Picoway Resolve treatment. Do not attempt to remove these discolored areas. Allow them to exfoliate from the skin naturally.
Redness and Swelling- The sessions are designed to provide minimal downtime however, you may find that your skin is puffy and red after treatment. Erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) of the treated area usually subsides within a few hours. It is usually most pronounced immediately after the treatment and in the morning after your treatment. You may use cold compresses (5 minutes on and 10 minutes off) several times an hour to help ease both redness and swelling.
Scabs- The skin treated can be red and swollen with fine, thin scabs forming. If your skin is burned it increases the risk of scaring. Please keep the treated areas well moisturized until the thin scabs fall off to decrease the risk of scaring. Do not scratch the scabs, which can cause scarring. This process will take anywhere from 1-3 weeks. It could take as long as 3-6 months in some cases.
Sleep elevated. Sleeping with your head elevated for the first night will also help decrease any swelling you may experience.
Hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation- (darkening or lightening of the skin color). Some clients experience a temporary lightening or darkening of the skin, which should resolve to normal pigmentation color.
Over the counter medications- Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, alcohol, heavy exertion, and activities which may cause flushing for 2 days after treatment
Skincare- Your skin may be temperature sensitive for several days after treatment. Use mild cleansers and moisturizers. Avoid topical products such as retinols and glycolic acid products for at least one week after treatment.
Sun- Avoid direct sunlight on the treated area and use a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater for 4 -6 weeks after your treatment.

Picoway REsolve - Treatment schedule

We recommend Picoway Resolve treatments in a series of 3 or 4 procedures spaced every 4 weeks.

Picoway Resolve - Alternative Treatments

Alternative procedures include no treatment. Other alternatives include chemical peels, CO2 laser resurfacing, Pixel resurfacing, Intense Pulse Light (IPL), and topical skin care products (both non-prescription and prescription). Risks and potential complications are associated with alternative forms of treatment that involve skin treatments or cosmetic procedures.

Picoway Resolve - Synergistic Treatments

PicoWay Resolve can help with the discoloration and skin laxity that occurs during the aging process. Other skin changes can also lead to an aged appearance and you may want to consider some of these treatments after your Picoway Resolve series.
CO2 Laser Resurfacing – Tightens skin and reduces lines and rough texture
Profound RF Tightening – Rebuilds strength and thickness of your dermis to tighten skin
Sublative RF- A radio frequency resurfacing procedure that is ideal for the area around the eyes and for people with darker skin complexion.
Chemical peels – A liquid or paste that changes your skin pH, causing exfoliation of epidermal cells.
Botox and Dysport – Decreases appearance of lines caused by muscle movement. Usually used around the eyes and in the upper face.
Dermal fillers – Replaces or enhances facial volume. Lips and cheeks are two common areas treated.

Picoway Resolve - Acknowledgement

I have read and understand the Informed Consent documentation and been informed about what I must do and "not do" before, during and after my treatment. I agree to follow the pre and post care instructions carefully. I understand that compliance with recommended pre and post procedure guidelines are crucial for healing, prevention of scarring, and other side effects and complications.
I completed an accurate medical history document. If there are any issues that are not covered by the medical history form which I think are relevant to my treatment, I will inform Spa 35 prior to my treatment. I will also notify Spa 35 of any changes in my health or medical care as they occur during my treatment program.
I confirm that I am not pregnant or breastfeeding at this time.
Photographs: I give permission for my photographs to be used to help document my treatment course. Complete confidentiality will be maintained.
No guarantee, warranty, or assurance has been made to me as to the results that may be obtained. I am aware that follow-up treatments may be necessary for desired results. Clinical results will vary per patient. I agree to adhere to all safety precautions and regulations during the treatment. Some people are unable to complete the treatment due to discomfort. No refunds will be given for treatments received.
I recognize that during the course of the treatment, medical treatment or anesthesia, unforeseen conditions may necessitate different procedures than those above. I therefore authorize Spa 35 providers to perform such other procedures that are in the exercise of his or her professional judgment necessary and desirable. The authority granted under this paragraph shall include all conditions that require treatment and are not known to the provider at the time the procedure is begun.
I understand and agree that all services rendered to me are charged directly to me and that I am personally responsible for payment.
The nature and purpose of the treatment have been explained to me. I have read and understand this agreement. All of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction and I consent to the terms of this agreement. Alternative methods of treatment and their risks and benefits have been explained to me and I understand that I have the right to refuse treatment.
If I experience any major or life-threatening symptoms, I will call 911 immediately. For non-emergency questions I will call Spa 35 at 208-367-0700, (for after-hours concerns selection option #4).
I release Spa 35, medical staff, and specific technicians from liability associated with this procedure. I certify that I am a competent adult of at least 18 years of age. This Consent Form is freely and voluntarily executed and shall be binding upon my spouse, relatives, legal representatives, heirs, administrators, successors, and assigns.
By signing below I consent to and authorize Spa 35 to perform this treatment(s) and to deliver any post treatment medical services that may be necessary.

Please contact the Spa 35 team if you have questions about Picoway Resolve and/or information on this webpage.

Why Chose Spa 35 Med Spa for Your Cosmetic Treatments?

The medical providers at Spa 35 Med Spa have been delivering cosmetic services for thirteen years. Our staff includes Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses and Aestheticians.


Photographs on this website are used to illustrate how services are used and their potential impact on your appearance. Your results will not completely match any photographs. Genetics, sun exposure, diet and exercise all influence your results. The Spa 35 Med Spa team strongly encourages all of our clients to maximize their lifestyle choices.