CoolSculpting Fat Removal

Informed Consent, Before and After Care Instructions

Spa 35 Med Spa


403 S. 11th Street

Suite 135

Boise, ID 83702


Congratulations on scheduling your cosmetic procedure at Spa 35 Medical Spa.

Use the Information below to learn how to prepare for your treatment and how to maximize your experience after your procedure.  

The informed consent form for each procedure also provides important information. Please be sure to read it before signing. Ask a Spa 35 team member to answer your questions before scheduling your procedure.

Call Spa 35 with any questions or concerns regarding your treatment at 208-367-0700. After business hours select option 4 for urgent after-hours assistance. If you have an emergency call 911.

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Treatment Purpose

CoolSculpting® removes fat cell uses a very cold applicator chilled to a temperature that damages fat cells without harm to the surrounding skin or tissues. CoolSculpting crystalizes your fat cells causing cell death, and your body naturally processes out the cell remnants. Body volume decreases after the reduction of fat cells, changing your appearance. Clinical studies have documented CoolSculpting’s removal of fat cells and the change in appearance of visibly localized bulges of fat beneath the skin on the abdomen, thighs, flanks and submental area (the area below the chin). You may need multiple treatments to achieve your desired results.
CoolSculpting is not a treatment for obesity or a weight-loss solution. The CoolSculpting procedure does not replace traditional methods of weight loss and body contouring such as diet, exercise or liposuction.
You may start to see changes in as early as three weeks after your CoolSculpting procedure and will experience the most dramatic results after one to three months. Your body will continue to naturally process the injured fat cells from your body for approximately four months after your procedure. Visible results vary from person to person. You may decide that additional treatments are necessary to achieve your desired outcome.
Best results are usually achieved by people with a planned diet and exercise regime. Poor results are usually seen in people who believe the CoolSculpting procedure allows for excessive consumption of calories or sedentary lifestyle. Lifestyle changes of increased calories or decreased exercise after your treatment will negatively impact the potential changes from CoolSculpting. Although highly unlikely, it is possible that you will not experience any noticeable result from the procedure.

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Consent for Treatment

Informed consent documents are used to communicate information about the proposed cosmetic treatment along with disclosure of risks and alternative forms of treatment(s). Despite CoolSculpting’s high level of efficacy and safety, it is not free of side effects. As a patient you have the right to be informed about your treatment so that you may make the decision whether to proceed with the CoolSculpting fat removal treatment or decline after knowing the risks involved.  This disclosure is to inform you about the risks, side effects and possible complications related to CoolSculpting prior to your treatment. This disclosure should not be considered all-inclusive in defining other methods of care and risks encountered. Spa 35 may provide you with additional or different information which is based on all the facts in your particular case and the state of medical knowledge. 

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Risks and Treatment Experience

There are both risks, and complications associated with CoolSculpting. Although the majority of patients do not experience these complications, you should understand the risks and potential complications of CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is approved by the FDA for specific areas of the body. Your treatment may not be an approved FDA area and considered an “off-label” treatment, thereby increasing the risks and unknowns.

Potential risks and experiences include, but are not limited to:

Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia (PAH)- A small number of patients experience the gradual development of a firm enlargement of adipose (fat) tissue in the treatment area during the months after treatment. The causes of PAH are not known. It has been estimated to occur once in 20,000 treatments. If you develop PAH the enlarged fat cells can be removed with liposuction or similar treatment.
Treatment area demarcation – You can experience a visible demarcation between the treated and untreated area. This usually occurs when the treated area experiences more fat removal that planned, creating an area of lower volume than the adjacent tissues. Additional treatments or other corrective procedures are potential resolutions.
Bruising, swelling, redness, cramping and pain - Can occur in the treated area. The treated area may appear red for a week or two after treatment.
Dull sensation, numbness, tingling - You may feel a dulling of sensation in the treated area that can last for several weeks after the procedure. Prolonged swelling, itching, tingling, numbness, tenderness to the touch, pain in the treated area, cramping, aching, bruising and/or skin sensitivity also have been reported.
Other possible side effects- In rare cases, patients have reported the CoolSculpting treatment area to have darker skin color, hardness, discrete nodules, frostbite (local injury due to cold), hernia or worsening of existing hernia. Surgical intervention may be required to correct hernia formation.
Common Contraindications- You might not be an appropriate candidate for CoolSculpting if you have any the medical conditions listed below:
Cryoglobulinemia- (a condition in which an abnormal level of proteins thicken the blood in cold temperatures), or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria or cold agglutinin disease (blood disorders in which cold temperatures lead to red blood cell death).
Sensitivity to cold such as cold urticaria (hives triggered by cold), Raynaud’s disease (disorder in which cold leads to reduced blood flow in the fingers, which appear white, red, or blue), pernio or Chilblains (itchy and/or tender red or purple bumps that occur as a reaction to cold)
Poor blood flow in the area to be treated
Neuropathic (nerve) disorders such as post-herpetic neuralgia or diabetic neuropathy
Impaired skin sensation
Open or infected wounds
Bleeding disorders or use of blood thinners
Recent surgery or scar tissue in the area to be treated
A hernia or history of hernia in the area to be treated or adjacent to treatment site
Skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, or rashes
Pregnancy or lactation (making breast milk or breast feeding)
Implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers and defibrillators
Major health problems such as liver disease
Sensitivity to isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or propylene glycol

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Pre-Treatment Instructions

It is prudent to follow some simple guidelines before your treatment. These guidelines can reduce possible side effects associated with the procedure and make all the difference between a fair result and a great result.

Medications- Avoid aspirin, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, or other medications that may thin your blood beginning three days before your CoolSculpting treatment. This will decrease bruising in the areas of treatment. If they are prescription medications please consult with the prescribing physician before stopping your treatment. If you are unsure if your medications cause blood thinning, please review them with our providers.
Supplements- Avoid Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E (or any other essential fatty acids) at least 3 days before treatment.
Alcohol and caffeine– Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine for three days before your CoolSculpting to reduce the risks of bruising.
Diet and Exercise Plan– Ensure you have a plan to maintain or improve your diet and exercise to maximize your CoolSculpting results.

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Treatment Day Instructions

Each CoolSculpting fat removal treatment can take between thirty and sixty minutes. When receiving multiple treatments in one day you can expect to be at Spa 35 for hours. Therefore, arrive prepared for a full day. You may have dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, flushing, sweating, or fainting during or immediately after the treatment. Eating before your treatment mitigates these side effects. The treated area may look or feel stiff after the procedure and transient blanching (temporary whitening of the skin) may occur. These are all normal reactions that typically resolve within a few minutes. CoolSculpting uses suction to pull your skin and underlying fat into the applicator. The associated pressure may cause sensations of deep pulling, tugging and pinching. You may experience intense stinging, tingling, aching or cramping as the treatment begins. These sensations generally subside as the area becomes numb.

Eat before your appointment- Please eat prior to arrival. We recommend a light meal as a heavy meal can also trigger nausea at the start of the session. We will provide snacks and beverages during the session if you begin to feel hungry.
Pressure- The suction pressure of a vacuum applicator may cause sensations of deep pulling, tugging and pinching. You may experience intense cold, stinging, tingling, aching or cramping as the treatment begins. These sensations generally subside during treatment as the area becomes numb.
Clothing- Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your appointment.
Undergarments- Wear inexpensive undergarments and bring an extra pair to wear home. Gel pads will be applied with the applicator and will make any undergarments wet.
Measurements- Prior to your treatment, pictures, measurements, and weight will be taken for comparison on follow-up appointments.
Entertainment- The treatment room has a television with a selection of movies and programs, but you may also wish to bring your own iPad, reading materials, etc. for entertainment.

CoolSculpting Fat removal - Post-Treatment Instructions

Return to daily routine- Typically, there is minimal discomfort and recovery time after the CoolSculpting procedure. Most patients can return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.
Redness- Many patients experience redness in the treated area that can last a few hours after the applicator is removed. In rare cases, the redness may persist for up to two weeks.
Swelling and tenderness – The treated area may be swollen and tender to the touch for a few days after your treatment.
Submental (below chin) fullness- After a submental area treatment you may a feeling of fullness in the back of the throat may occur.
Possible sensations- Many patients have minimal discomfort following the procedure; however, you may experience one or more of the following sensations: swelling, itching, tingling, numbness, tenderness to the touch, pain in the treated area, cramping, aching, bruising and/or skin sensitivity. Consult your doctor if these conditions persist beyond two weeks or worsen over time.
Results- Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place. You may start to see changes as early as three weeks after the CoolSculpting procedure, and you will experience the most dramatic results after one to three months. Your body will continue to naturally process the injured fat cells from your body for approximately four months after your procedure.
Possible post-treatment effects- In rare cases, patients have reported darker skin color, hardness, discrete nodules, freeze burn, enlargement of the treated area, hernia or worsening of existing hernia following the CoolSculpting procedure. Surgical intervention may be required to correct the enlargement or hernia.
Managing discomfort - If you experience discomfort, you may use warm baths, warm showers or cool compresses to relieve the discomfort. DO NOT use heat pads.
Diet and exercise - Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine after your procedure to continue appreciating your full results.
Review results – Ensure you have a follow-up appointment on your schedule to review your CoolSculpting results. We’ll take follow-up photographs and discuss the potential benefits from additional treatments if you desire.

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Treatment Schedule

Re-treatment is recommended after 30 days, or by provider recommendation.

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Alternative Treatments

Liposuction, and laser assisted liposuction (e.g. SmartLipo) are common alternatives to CoolSculpting. Kybella injections are an alternative treatment for under the chin (submental) fat. Hormone replacement therapy may be another option in some cases. Fat loss can also be achieved through diet and exercise.

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Synergistic Treatments

CoolSculpting removes fat which overlays muscle. If you desire a more toned and fit appearance you may want to consider Cooltone muscle stimulation with your CoolSculpting. Cooltone restores muscle tone that can be lost with aging and declining levels of physical exercise. Cooltone is excellent for legs, buttocks and abdomen.
If your fat removal needs are associated with the ageing process you might want to consider facial cosmetic services, such as Botox or IPL.

CoolSculpting Fat Removal - Acknowledgement

I have read and understand the Informed Consent documentation and been informed about what I must do and "not do" before, during and after my treatment. I agree to follow the pre and post care instructions carefully. I understand that compliance with recommended pre and post procedure guidelines are crucial for healing and other side effects and complications.

I completed an accurate medical history document. If there are any issues that are not covered by the medical history form which I think are relevant to my treatment, I will inform Spa 35 prior to my treatment. I will also notify Spa 35 of any changes in my health or medical care as they occur during my treatment program.

I confirm that I am not pregnant or breastfeeding at this time.

Photographs: I give permission for my photographs to be used to help document my treatment course. Complete confidentiality will be maintained.

No guarantee, warranty, or assurance has been made to me as to the results that may be obtained. I am aware that follow-up treatments may be necessary for desired results. Clinical results will vary per patient. I agree to adhere to all safety precautions and regulations during the treatment. Some people are unable to complete the treatment due to discomfort. No refunds will be given for treatments received.

I recognize that during the course of the treatment, medical treatment or anesthesia, unforeseen conditions may necessitate different procedures than those above. I therefore authorize Spa 35 providers to perform such other procedures that are in the exercise of his or her professional judgment necessary and desirable. The authority granted under this paragraph shall include all conditions that require treatment and are not known to the provider at the time the procedure is begun.

I understand and agree that all services rendered to me are charged directly to me and that I am personally responsible for payment.

The nature and purpose of the treatment have been explained to me. I have read and understand this agreement. All of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction and I consent to the terms of this agreement. Alternative methods of treatment and their risks and benefits have been explained to me and I understand that I have the right to refuse treatment.

If I experience any major or life-threatening symptoms, I will call 911 immediately. For non-emergency questions I will call Spa 35 at 208-367-0700, (for after-hours concerns selection option #4).

I release Spa 35, medical staff, and specific technicians from liability associated with this procedure. I certify that I am a competent adult of at least 18 years of age. This Consent Form is freely and voluntarily executed and shall be binding upon my spouse, relatives, legal representatives, heirs, administrators, successors, and assigns.

Please Contact the Spa 35 Team if you have any questions about the information on CoolSculpting Fat Removal

Why Chose Spa 35 Med Spa for Your Cosmetic Treatments?

The medical providers at Spa 35 Med Spa have been delivering cosmetic services for thirteen years. Our staff includes Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses and Aestheticians.

Photographs on this website are used to illustrate how services are used and their potential impact on your appearance. Your results will not completely match any photographs. Genetics, sun exposure, diet and exercise all influence your results. The Spa 35 Med Spa team strongly encourages all of our clients to maximize their lifestyle choices.